Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hydration Test #01

Tonight I tried out the camel back. Brian had one sitting in the closet that had only been used once. So I filled it up with a few ice cubes and cold tap water, got Darby all suited up in her head lamp and I with all of my reflective gear and we headed out. Tonight it was in the 50's and a little misty. I ran in shorts and a long sleeve tech shirt, I have not been without my jacket in months - spring is on the way! We started out walking to warm up and when we started jogging I thought the sloshing noise of the camel back was going to drive me crazy - when I run at night outside I don't wear my i-pod for safety. So I got used to the noise after a few minutes and we got into our groove. We treked out and back home for a total of 3.5 miles with an average pace of 13.12 on the runs (I did .5mile runs with 1min. walk breaks). The pace was ok, but it can be improved. I did notice that I was just getting into the groove when it was time to end, what an amazing feeling.

The camel back gets 4 out of 5 stars.


  • I have water when I 'need it'
  • It didn't rub.
  • It has pockets to carry stuff
  • I didn't notice that I was sweating any extra with it on my back.

  • Negatives:

    • The sloshing noise (which I was getting used to, almost like the rhythm of waves).
    • The taste of rubber (I will try a flavored water or adding a little lemon juice to knock back the taste).
    • The straps are built for a man - the only cross strap goes right above 'the girls' and makes for an awkward feeling (I'll get some spare straps from the camping kit and 'fashion' a contraption that should help).

    So, for a test run the camel back gets a passing grade. Tomorrow night at the track I will try the water bottle that I carry in my hand (it has a mesh handle that your palm slides in). I will also try a flavored water to see if I can handle it.

    I did also notice that I did not seem to drink that much water after all - I think it is just the knowledge that I have it accessible that is what I need. After all, I take a glass of ice water to bed every night and I might have a drink or two and that is it - I usually pour it out in the morning. So if I can carry a small amount and know that I have rest stations then I should be ready to run!

    Time to sign up for the Tacoma Half marathon - keep running!


    Backofpack said...

    Here's the trick to eliminate sloshing:

    Fill the bladder. Turn it upside down and suck all the air out. Turn it right side up. No sloshing! Yay!

    See you tonight.

    wendy said...

    hey girlie,

    great job on the long runs and getting out there. I'm sooo proud of you and your hard work in training.

    I love my Nathan pack, and I know Michelle has one too. i'll let you try it out for comfort and see if it feels better than the one you're using - it's a girls version. ;-)

    Let's match schedules for some long runs, also, next weekend, do you want to go to the 24 hour run with me?